• The Waterside
  • Blender
    New York City
  • Brain Embassy Adgar Park West
  • Brain Embassy Adgar Park West
  • Kofisi Karen Centre

The Global Office Advantage

With Upflex, the world is your oyster. We curate spaces and inventories in over 135+ countries with industry-leading operators that prioritize your comfort, productivity, and professionalism.

Work From Anywhere, Anytime

135+ countries

10,000+ Locations for booking

700+ brands

A Global Standard in Workplace Solutions

Upflex is a trusted name across industries and countries. Our international network thrives on giving businesses and employees flexibility and choice. A few of our partners are:

Book WeWork spaces on Upflex

Exclusively on Upflex

Thanks to our exclusive, strategic WeWork partnership, get on-demand access to hundreds WeWork locations, alongside hundreds of other brands’ locations around the globe. Together, we’re building an ecosystem of collaboration for flex space operators everywhere.

A World of Options

Hot Desks

Book desks on demand, by the hour or by the day. Browse by ease, location, and features.

Private Offices

Browse and reserve your private office for the short-term or long-term duration of your choice as a part of Upflex’s Hub & Spoke Solutions.

Meeting Rooms

Explore diverse options for quality meeting rooms, with several amenities to choose from.