With one of the UK’s largest and widest reaching flex space providers, we’re piloting a new product offering.
Landmark is using Upflex’s technology to make booking and payment instant and seamless for all their users across nearly 50 locations in nine major UK cities.
These past couple years, we’ve been laser-focused on building the industry’s best tools to connect companies and their employees with the largest flexible workspace network in the world. The mission at hand: to make remote and hybrid work — with all its benefits to productivity, work-life balance, the environment, and more — a seamless experience for even the largest, global companies.
If the mission is true seamlessness, it’s a natural next step for us to expand our offerings to space operators. After all, flex and coworking providers need better tools for optimizing their operations, too. This is why, now, space operators can use Upflex to make their jobs easier. In a new offering, space operators can now also white-label our technology and use it to make booking and payment for flex space simpler, faster, more secure and more measurable moving forward.
We’re excited to be launching this offering with Landmark, a prestigious name in the industry, and — as one of the UK’s largest providers of flexible workspace — a company with broad reach and more than 20 years of experience in flex space.
Especially when it comes to booking
flex space on demand, automation
is vital. When things fall out of sync,
that can get in the way of business, both
for the person booking, and
for the space provider.
This week, we signed an agreement with Landmark making them the first-ever company to leverage our tech and use our platform in order to manage their own on-demand workspace offering.
This will equip their 14,000+ users — and, via their no-commitment Landmark Freedom Pass, anyone who wants to book a desk on the fly — with instant, seamless booking and payment across Landmark’s entire portfolio of serviced offices, coworking space and meeting rooms. That’s nearly 50 locations in basically every major UK city.
Using Upflex to automate their booking means they’re enhancing user experience for their fast-growing audience. Workers and companies get greater flexibility with fewer barriers.
Especially when it comes to booking flex space on demand, automation is vital. When things fall out of sync, that can get in the way of business, both for the person booking, and for the space provider. Solving that problem for our space partners is a huge focus, and we launched this new offering for flex operators to help equip them with the agility they need to succeed and thrive.
We hope Landmark will be the first of many space providers we can help as they make their offerings simpler and more accessible, toward a seamless flexible future of work.